Invitation from DFAT, Queensland

dfat15_invitationThe State Director Ms Alison Carrington

Queensland State Office Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade requests the pleasure of your company at the DFAT end-of-year reception Wednesday 2 December 2015.









Qld Premier Invitation

Premier2015Premier of Queensland and Minister for the Arts
on behalf of the Government of Queensland

requests the pleasure of the company of
Professor Dr Resmi Kamberaj
at the
  Cabinet Christmas Reception

Monday, 14 December 2015

Invitation from Japan Consulate

On 3th of December 2015,  in celebration of the Birthday of His Majesty the Emperor of Japan, Consul General of Japan and Mrs. Hidehiro Hosaka, requests the pleasure of the company of the Honorary Consul General of Albania in QLD, Prof.Dr.R.Kamberaj.


Invitation from Japan Consulate

Japan_invitationConsul general of Japan Ms. Yoko Yanagisauva requests the pleasure of Prof Dr. Resmi Kambera j at her farewell reception to show her appreciation for the support and friendship offered to her during her posting in Queensland, Tuesday 27th October 2015.

2015 Lord Mayor’s Multicultural Business Dinner and Awards

LordMajor2015Friday, 6 November 2015

Brisbane’s multicultural community on a night of networking, fun, entertainment and fundraising for the Lord Mayor’s Multicultural Business Scholarship and Mentoring Program.

With various performances and exciting auction items on offer, enjoy this special event with your business colleagues, clients and friends.

Lord Mayor's multicultural busines dinner and rewards

Lord Mayor’s multicultural busines dinner and rewards

RiversBroker (4)

Rivers Insurance Broker, Mr. J.Licastro

Taiwan (2)

Taipei economic and culture office, Ms. J.Kao and Ms F.Day

The People Republic of China Invitation

china_ivitationOn  the occasion of the 66th Anniversary of the foundation of the People’s Republic of China, Dr. Zhao Yongchen, Consul General o the People’s Republic of China in Brisbane request the pleasure of the company of Prof.Dr. Resmi Kamberaj and partner at reception on 28 September 2015.

China_66_celebration (12)China_66_celebration (2)China_66_celebration (8)


Invitation from The Women’s College Council, University of Queensland

Women_CollegeThe president of The Women’s College Council Dr. Sallyanne Atkinson AO,  and the Head of College, Adjunct Professor Iyla Davies request the pleasure of the company of Professor Dr. Resmi Kamberaj & Guest at a College Formal Dinner, Thursday 15 September 2015, Harriet Marks Dinning Hall, The University of Queensland , St Lucia, Brisbane.

Lord Major of Brisbane

The Right Honourable the Lord Mayor Councillor Graham Quirk requests the pleasure of the company of Professor Resmi Kamberaj & Guest to join with him at a Reception in honour of the Consular Corps Queensland, City Hall, Brisbane on Monday 3 August 2015.
